Ouroboros Series: Simplifying complexity. Ouroboros. 2011- 20×30. Inkprint on linen paper. …..two shadows live in my suitcase, they do not like to travel by air….that is when i understood that i am only a speck of dust, yet this dust comes from the stars…… Posted @withregram • @ginaleerobbins New discove One of my works currently on display at the Orland On the Ganges. Instagram post 18113879986329550 The current open wall @harwoodmuseum is ongoing un SPRING/BREAK Art Show 2023 NYC: Wild Card @sprin New artwork in exhibition at the Harwood Museum of Load More... Follow on Instagram FOLLOW ME ON: Share this:WhatsAppFacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterestTumblrEmail By Marais|2017-05-02T13:06:37-04:00July 21st, 2010|