About Anja Marais

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So far Anja Marais has created 128 blog entries.

Fading – The last notes

P1230874The last residue of Finland through the heretical voice of the Kalevala:

So now she steps further down

launched herself upon the waves

on the clear high seas

upon the open expanse.

There came a great gust of wind

from the east nasty weather

lashed the sea to foam whipped it into waves.

the wind lulled the maid

and the billow drove the lass

about the blue main

and the froth-capped waves;

and the wind blew her womb full

the sea maker her fat.

By |2017-05-02T12:53:25-04:00December 18th, 2014|

Finnish note a day. Entry 25


From the hill-top I

dove softly into the green leafy pool,

breast stroked through the canopy,

as I came up for effervescent air

my hair brushed bird feet and cloud.

By |2017-05-02T12:53:25-04:00November 27th, 2014|

Finnish note a day. Entry 24


On this mirror clear lake

my feet splinter and shard into droste

as they touch the surface.

Water ripples bloom into silver roses

reflecting the stars as mercury thorns.




By |2017-05-02T12:53:25-04:00November 26th, 2014|

Finnish note a day. Entry 23


Pascal said all men’s miseries

derive from not being able to sit

in a quiet room alone.

I sit in this windowless cube with

flickering gaslight thoughts chiaroscuro on the walls.

By |2017-05-02T12:54:36-04:00November 25th, 2014|

Finnish note a day. Entry 22

P1250124With eucalyptus, tar and salt

deeply inhaling steam, vapor, wood and oils
the cold leaves the room.

As I walk back into capricious forests
my renewed lungs fills with ubiquitous pine.

By |2017-05-02T12:54:36-04:00November 24th, 2014|
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